
Luca Font

Client: La Repubblica

Client: La Repubblica

Conference at Apple Store (Milan)

Conference at Apple Store (Milan)

Personal Project

Personal Project

Client: Campari

Client: Campari

Personal Project

Personal Project

Personal Projects

Personal Projects

Client: La Repubblica - Robinson

Client: La Repubblica - Robinson

Ragusa Festiwall 2019

Ragusa Festiwall 2019

Luca Font 

Bergamo 1977, involved since early age in graffiti writing where he started developing a taste for abstraction, graphic design and typography as now seen in both his studio and tattoo works.
Beside his career as a worldwide tattoo artist and wall designer, since 2010 he's been working as freelance illustrator for independent labels, magazines and newspapers and has been featured in various solo and groups show.


La Repubblica, Il Sole 24 Ore, Vita magazine, Sonos, X Books, MI AMI Music Festival, CorpoC, Mou Boots, Culti Milano, Galleria Campari, Dickies.


Contemporary Tattooing tattoo book, Tattoo Italia, Tattoo Magazine, Tattoo Fest, New Blood Tattoo Book, Antennae of Inspiration, The Hundreds, Studio55, Some Quality Meat, Frizzi Frizzi, Onoffice, La Repubblica.


My War @ Avia Pervia (Modena)
So Faraway So Close @ Santeria (Milano)
Quadrivium @ Avantgarden (Milano)
La Bellezza fa 40 @ Castello di Lecce (Lecce)
Fire and Desire @ Studio Museo Messina (Milano)
Bergamasterz @ 255 Gallery (Bergamo)